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        Peter Tamm R.R.C.     Columbus, NC   USA        +1 828 279 0911



      * if you don't see my reply within a day, it may have gone to spam. Use your 'search' bar in Mail.

              Type in radionics or my name. Many email programs hide an unrecognized address.



Fee:    $80   I   £70   I   €75

  •   I can offer a sliding scale ($50-80) to those on a fixed income, under $20,000 a year.


  • The fee includes a 2-hour consultation, notes and remedies.


  • It does not include the cost of any supplements I might recommend.


  • Treatment usually spans 3 weeks. Chronic issues & conditions will entail

       clearing/detoxing multiple layers of toxicity and dysfunction. Though this means doing

       several treatments back-to-back, it's still an affordable option to re-build your health.







In-person appointment:


  • Call or email with any questions. 


  • What to bring with you to an appointment:  a list of your issues, symptom and conditions. Make 3 columns on a sheet of paper - physical, psychological & spiritual. Be as complete as you can in each area.  I only  focus on what you share. Include any important medical history.

  • To clear negativity in a relationship, bring a sample of the person’s energy (writing or picture). It doesn’t matter how old the picture or writing is. The pictures must be of them alone. It must be on photographic film. Group shots, digital pictures on your phone, and xerox/scanned images cannot  be used. They do not hold an energy signature.

  • You can bring foods, supplements, cosmetics, toiletries, etc. I can check to see what is working for you, and what isn’t.


Video appointment:


  •  Print & complete this Mail Order form:                 I can also email it as a JPEG.


  • For clarity, Please Print.

  • Remember to print your name clearly in ink in the box .


  • The completed  form  cannot be emailed or faxed, it must be sent in the post.

  • Add $10 for p&p.  Send check, money order or PayPal for $90.


  • To clear negativity in a relationship, enclose a sample of the person’s energy (writing or picture). It doesn’t matter how old the picture or writing is.  The picture must be on photographic film. Digital & scanned images are effectively clones, they don't hold any energy. The person must be alone in the picture, no group shots.

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